
What Employers Say About Us

Social Sustainability Manager

"It has been an incredibly positive and unique way for our staff to develop their leadership skills, enhance their inclusive behaviours and gain different perspectives by working with (and learning from) young people from diverse backgrounds in our communities. After the programme, my hope is that all our mentors are more inclusive, open and empathetic leaders in their work and personal lives. Many mentors commented that they felt as if they were being mentored, not the other way around. The impact on everyone involved has been profound!"

Senior Community Affairs Manager

"More than 40 BBC staff members shared their professional skills and experience with nearly 90 sixth-form students. In the process, the BBC staff gained valuable insights into the tastes, habits and social networks of the teenagers, and met the potential next generation of entrants into the creative industries."

Deputy Director

"Spearheaded by Katrina and Julian, DLN and Ultra introduced a unique immersive work experience opportunity that left an indelible mark on all those who attended. Now, as we embark on the next phase, we recognise our collective duty to shape a future where innovation and finance converge to address multiple global challenges. By empowering young people with knowledge, critical thinking, and access, we create opportunities that pave a path for a generation poised for success. Innovate UK, as the UK’s innovation agency, is helping to build the pipeline of talent and skills for the future."

What Schools Say About Us

Student Leadership Co-Ordinator

"This is something I think every student needs. These leadership programmes are CORE to everything. They are the foundation of what we do and who the students become. It helps individuals to make course directions and proactive decisions, which change their lives for the better whilst they are in a stage of life which is most effective to do so."


"The are very pleased with Diverse Leaders Network. It's been a great opportunity for our students to learn leadership skills and apply them in their lives. Leadership Education should be part of the curriculum. It is as important as Science, Maths, and English."

Careers Lead

"The Diverse Leaders Team are incredibly passionate about empowering young people to become leaders of the future and this meant that the level of engagement from our students was incredibly high. I would highly recommend that any school who gets the opportunity to work with DLN should embrace it."

What Inspiring Leaders Say About Us

Kawika, Third Sector Leader

"They left me with a lasting impression that they understand what a good charity is all about: delivering an effective service or support to people who need an extra hand or problems that deserve extra attention. I would encourage any leaders from diverse backgrounds to consider delivering a session; you’ll be surprised what you get out of it as well"

Natasha, Norton Rose Fulbright

"I am glad that the students found the session useful. It was indeed my please to present to such bright and engaged students! Thanks for the opportunity you afforded me to deliver the presentation as it is a goal of mine to ensure that I am giving back where/whenever I can – as I honestly believe that “to whom much is given, much is required."

Louisa Woodbridge, Grosvenor

"I thoroughly enjoyed our session with Diverse Leaders Network and I have spoken about it to many of my peers over the last week and could not recommend it more highly to them. As current business leaders we have a real responsibility for generating the next generation of leaders.”

What Parents and Students Say About Us

Year 9 Parent

"A fantastic programme that was well organised. Very beautifully managed. The students were well trained and proves everybody can be a leader if given the skills."

Year 13 Student

"I have never taken part in something like this before and this experience will stay with me for a long time. This mentoring programme has made me feel more courageous and sure about my future."

Year 12 Student

“I have learnt that I do have a chance of working at the BBC and that I shouldn’t lower my worth or potential because of doubts. I would recommend this day to other students because the BBC tour and meeting staff was the best experience and really useful.”

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